Category Archives: coupons

My little girl my shopping buddy

Who does not want to go shopping? Every girls love to go shopping and that includes the Mommy and her daughter. I shop once a month if I receive a coupon from Victoria’s Secret. I have to drive as the coupon is valid for store only not online. Do you know why my little girl likes Victoria’s Secret? I am sure you cannot guess it. She loves the pink dog that is inside the store. I have a picture of her lasts year when she was four years old. I did not get a chance to take a picture of her lasts weekend because I was so busy picking for some deals. I know she is allergic to a dog but she loves any dog. It does not matter if it is a toy or real. Oh no! I am not practicing her to join a Victoria’s Secret model. I am also linking this for Pink Fridays and Wednesday Windows.

My Victoria’s Secret order delivered today

I was having my lunch when the door bell ring. I checked the door and it was the UPS delivery guy. I knew my Victoria’s Secret order will arrive today as I checked the tracking number. I was in hurry finishing my lunch. I opened my package and there it is. It came with a pink bra, free pink tote bag, a free magazine and a gift secret card that comes with every order. You cannot know the amount until next month. I am sure it is $10 which is great. I spent $26.51 that includes the tax and the shipping. The bra is only $19.50 and pink tote is free because I have a coupon code. I told you I love Victoria’s Secret if I have a coupon because I know I can save money. I will wear the pink bra and the tote bag is for my niece. She has to wait when I get their in the Philippines. I am linking this entry for Wednesday White. I am wondering what are whites that my online friends are sharing to me.

Received coupons from Victoria’s Secret

I am very happy again that I received coupons from my favorite store. There are coupons that I received in the mail few days ago. One coupon is for free underwear and one is a $10 off when you buy a bra. I always use the coupons. I cannot wait to go to the mall sometime this week. I love Victoria’s Secret because of the coupons. I also love their few products. Do you like to receive Victoria’s Secret coupon? You can sign up to their email.