Author Archives: simplyjess

Got a free Victoria’s Secret Flirt spray

This is one of the coupon that I redeemed last month. It is from Victoria’s Secret. You do not need to buy anything to get the free Victoria’s Secret flirt spray. I do not use it for myself because I am allergic to the smell. I will give this to my niece who loves anything of the Victoria’s Secret spray. I will bring it to me when I travel in the Philippines this summer.

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I love to shop Victoria’s Secret products. I love that I get their free products either for free or by using coupon codes online. I use my debit card or sometimes my Victoria’s Secret credit card. I will share to you more the goodies that I buy from Victoria’s Secret in my next post or so. I am linking this entry to #124 of 365 blog photo challenge.

How to find your perfect body shape

Women have different kind of body shape. Do you wonder what body shape type you have? Here are some info graphics that will help you. There are also tips on how to show the type of assets your body shape is. What do you think your body shape is? I hope that by looking at some pictures, you can tell the body shape type you have and how to show it. Every woman should enjoy their body shape type. It does not matter what sizes you are.

Figure Fixers - Lingerie and Shapewear Fitting Guide - Marisota

Figure Fixers – Lingerie and Shapewear Fitting Guide – An infographic by the team at Marisota