Tag Archives: sneakers

Wear sweats or sneakers PARP Spirit Week

PARP stands for Parents As Reading Partners which the little K’s school is having. The school spirit week last week was fun. This week is called the PARP Spirit Week. The Wednesday theme is you can wear sweats or sneakers.

Wednesday's PARP Spirit Week's theme is wear sweats

I put these pink sweat pants that matches her pink jacket. She always bring sneakers with her at school. The sneaker is in her backpack inside. She is wearing boots as it is snowing outside. She wears her sneakers when she is inside her classroom.

I think she looks pretty in her sweat outfits. What do you think. I also put a ponytail on her bangs so her small face will show. I am sure that she will take off the pony tail when she gets home. She does not like anything to do with her hair.