Category Archives: mail

Received coupons from Victoria’s Secret

I am very happy again that I received coupons from my favorite store. There are coupons that I received in the mail few days ago. One coupon is for free underwear and one is a $10 off when you buy a bra. I always use the coupons. I cannot wait to go to the mall sometime this week. I love Victoria’s Secret because of the coupons. I also love their few products. Do you like to receive Victoria’s Secret coupon? You can sign up to their email.

Baby Aspirin will prevent you from having heart attack

I was watching Dr. Oz show on TV yesterday. The show features about quick fix for healthy you. I learned that Baby Aspirin will prevent you from having heart attack. I know one of my friends told me about this. I did not believe her at first. Now that I saw it from Dr. Oz show, I will start taking the medicine. Recently my Mom has a heart problem. It worries me because I am half around the world far from her. I will buy her many bottles of Baby Aspirin and will include it in my box that I will send her soon. My father-in-law also takes Baby Aspirin for along time now. What about you, do you take Baby Aspirin? My husband also takes Aspirin but not the Baby Aspirin.