Category Archives: health

Is acupuncture the answer for fertility

One of my online friend’s husband works with acupuncture. I saw his interview on TV. He had helped a couple to have babies. One of the doctor said that the woman will have a problem getting pregnant. She then goes to acupuncture. Now she is blessed with a little girl. Every woman wishes to be a Mom and have a baby. Some woman has a hard time getting pregnant. I hope acupuncture is the answer for fertility. Luckily, I am blessed with two wonderful kids. I do not have the problem getting pregnant. Have you ever tried acupuncture?

A driver buddy

My husband drives to his doctor’s appointment yesterday morning. He needs a driver with him after his appointment. He cannot go home with a driver. I was a driver buddy yesterday. I am glad that we got home safely. He taught me how to pass my driving test. Even if we fight while practicing, it paid off because I now get my license. This is only a small way to help him.