Author Archives: simplyjess

Working out at a young age

My son sees his Daddy working out either inside the house or in the garage. He wants to follow his Daddy. Luckily, at a young age his muscle is develops already. He is a very strong kid. He is so active. One day I am watching my son grabs his Daddy’s gadgets. He is trying to do push-ups but cannot do it yet. I want to buy him kids work out for his age. Look at him in this picture.

Running around the pond

I thought of running around the pond this Fall. I tried it once and I want to keep doing it. A great way to work out. I want to get rid of my gut. I did seven circles. It feels great. It is awesome to hear my heart beat so fast. She has her exercise. I promise myself to run when Summer starts. I am want to fulfill it. I need better running shoes for better support. My legs are so skinny. It would be great to firm it a little bit so as my stomach.

Born with a muscles

I noticed when my son was two years old. He has muscles already. You think he work out at a young age. He did not. He was born with it. He is now eight years old. It is developing really good. He is also a very strong kid. Do not under estimate him. He is very shy but this kid is very skillful. He is like his Daddy. I guess like Daddy likes son. I think that saying is true