Victoria’s Secret blue coupons

Don’t you love with you receive free coupons in the mail? I know nothing is free but these coupons are a saver for me. How do I get these free coupons? It is very easy. All you do is sign-up to Victoria’s Secret newsletter. You can start receiving free coupons and a discount. I usually get these coupons every month. I love the free undies. It is very sweet to receive them. The other coupon is for $10 to any bra of your choice. You can also receive another $10 when you answer their survey from the receipt. I always forget to use that code. The receipt will give you $10 off from your $50 worth of purchase. Since I am cheap, I just use that these two blue coupons with me. Right now, if you use your Angel card (the Victoria’s Secret credit card) you will get a secret reward card usually $10 inside or if you are lucky you will get the $500. I get the $100 lasts year. Angel enjoys your shopping at the Victoria’s Secret online or in the store

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