Author Archives: simplyjess

Looking for allergy shirt sign


I am browsing in the internet for allergy shirt. I am looking for a shirt that says about peanut allergy for my little girl. I want her safety while we are visiting her Grandma soon. I know that despite telling her that she is allergic to peanut. She might eat accidentally and that is scary. I am sure that my family knows that she has a peanut allergy. Yet I am still paranoid. Safety is the most important for her. I know that I tell not to eat any food without letting me know but I still want her safety. She might play with her cousins and somebody will give her peanut.

Tanning makes it easy

I am lucky that I am born with a brown skin. I do not need to tan. I love my skin color but I am happy during the winter because my skin is light. I know let me enjoy my obsession for couple of months. Are you joining a beauty contest soon? You cannot wait to get tan during summer. All you need is an airbrush makeup to help you started. You can find it here for different sizes that you can afford. They have all the accessories you need to meet your flawless brown skin. I think being brown is beautiful especially when you are white in nature.

Rocking great with your music

Do you love to play music? What is your favorite instrument to play? Do you like to play guitar? Have you ever try changing your Emg for better sounds? You should and you can find it here for affordable prices. Models love music too especially in their spare time. We do not have a real guitar only the simple one for my kids. I love listening to it when they play music. They can even change it from different instrument. I am sure that it feels wonderful to play the guitar when you have the real one. Please check out the Website for any music lover out there for great deals.